ReadON Arabia

Guide to Special Education and Helpful Learning Tools to Reduce Costs and Increase Success

Introduction: So what is Special Education?  Special education is a program that offers specialized instruction to students with disabilities. The goal of this program is to help these students succeed in school and society. Special education services are offered to children and adults with a wide range of needs, and conditions including autism, intellectual disability, […]

ReadON is a digital cognitive therapy that’s powered by AI and helps anyone with Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and students who want to improve their comprehension, vision, attention, focus and other learning skills.

ReadON supports different therapeutic interventions such as Speech, Auditory, Behavioral, Visual and Occupational Therapy and is 100% location flexible, allowing seamless therapy in clinic, home or school. Users are reported to have improvements in different skill sets such as Attention Span, Comprehension, Sitting Tolerance, Focus, Behavior, Fine Motor and Execution Function skills. ReadON Arabia CEO, […]